Apfelweinwirtschaft Adolf Wagner – Frankfurt, Germany

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Located in Sachsenhausen on the other side of the Main river from Frankfurt.  The place to go for schnitzel, “pickled pork knuckle”, and baked pork knuckle and of course, apple wine.   This place was recommended by a colleague who lives in Frankfurt.  Frankfurt and Sachsenhausen were busy the night we were there because the Frankfurt Motor Show was going on.  We ordered a pitcher of apfelwein and they write the number of glasses on the outside.  Ours was “10” but it was a bottomless pitcher that probably delivered 15-20.  I ordered the schnitzel with the local “green sauce” which is made from sour cream and fresh herbs.  My wife ordered the baked pork knuckle and we shared.  Way too much to eat but the apfelwein helped wash it down.  Great place for authentic German food and there are lots of bars in the area for a cold pilsner.  This area is popular with US service men so you can usually find other Americans in the area.  For more info on this place please check out their website (unfortunately it doesn’t have an English version): http://www.apfelwein-wagner.com/