Thanks for visiting my Beer Blog. I am an engineer, home brewer and lover of craft beer. My job allows me to travel so I am always looking for the best brewpubs, breweries and craft beer bars. As of APR 2020 I have checked in over 2702 unique beers on “Untapp’d”. Send me a friend request at “BobsBeerBlogUSA” to check out the locations and beers I have rated.
I live in the Tampa, FL area with my wife of 30+ years and we have two children that graduated from Florida universities. Emily graduated from the University of Florida and now lives in New Jersey working in the environmental office of a large manufacturer. Conner graduated from the University of Central Florida and now lives in North Carolina working as a mechanical engineering for a German automated equipment manufacturer. We are empty nesters and are trying to take advantage of all the travel options we both have with our businesses. My wife is a lean/six sigma/ISO manufacturing consultant (www.marnieschmidt.com) and I have a technical sales rep business marketing hardware into the US defense and commercial markets for unmanned aerial vehicles (www.uavpropulsiontech.com). I represent companies in Austria, Spain, Switzerland, France, UK, Singapore, Finland, Sweden, Canada and Germany and travel to these countries at least once a year. This gives me lots of opportunities to visit several places that serve my favorite beverage. I thought it would be fun to start a beer blog to chronicle the places I have visited and some of the beers I have tasted.
My blog will focus on US, Finland, Singapore, Australia, Austria, Spain, Switzerland, France, UK, Sweden, Canada and Germany as well as any other place I have to travel in the world. Since I live in the Tampa area, there will be lots of posts on Tampa beer spots. Tampa is becoming a great beer destination with new breweries starting every year. Cigar City Brewing is gaining global recognition as a great brewer of beers and is putting Tampa on the map as a craft beer destination. My favorites in Tampa at the moment are Coppertail Brewery located in Ybor City and Hidden Springs located in Tampa Heights. Coppertail has great beers, a great space w/food, and offers tours. Hidden Springs has great gose/berliner’s and a great stout. Their IPA’s including their ZFG (Zero Fucks Given session IPA) are also really good. Here is a great website with more info on Tampa Bay area breweries. http://thebrewerybay.com/
Here is a map (APR 2020) of the global spots on Bobsbeerblog:
I am also an inventor and wrote a book on inventing called “Inventor’s Workshop – How to Develop and Market your Inventions”. Ebook, paperback, and audio versions are available on Amazon and you can learn more by visiting http://www.inventorsworkshop.us.
One of my inventions is PolarPint which is a beverage container that allows you to add ice to keep a drink cold without diluting. Perfect for keeping your beer cold when outside. Click on this PolarPint presentation link for more info.
If you enjoy the blog, pass the link along to your friends.
Thanks for visiting.
Bob Schmidt – The Beer Traveler
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