I figured I would try the RED “Prevention” day 1 in the Cayman’s because we were drinking beer and cocktails which can be dangerous. I drank this at about 5pm when we arrived in the Cayman’s and had a few beers and a rum punch traveling to the Cayman’s from Tampa. We continued drinking thru the evening (beer and whiskey/diet coke) so I should have been a little cloudy when I woke up but was probably 50% better than I would have been without “Prevention”. I wasn’t 100% hangover free but after drinking the Berry DrinkAde which has caffeine and double the B12, I was 100% by noon.
I don’t want to promote over indulging but if you do (which we all have done at one time or another), this product does seem to minimize the effects of alcohol on your body. It makes sense that the list of ingredients should help you bounce back from alcohol’s impact on your body. Don’t ever drink and drive (we had a driver while on the Cayman’s) and this isn’t a miracle cure for someone who way over does it. You should still drink responsibly. For more info on this product including ways to purchase, go to: https://drinkade.com/
You can purchase DrinkAde from Amazon: